Wednesday, June 18, 2008

:- if ever lasting love exists

Holding you tight
by melvin (the persona)

(picture taken on a random day of '06 singapore - pulau ubin)

Hold me tight, under the sweet kisses of the sunset

let God's reds and oranges hues soothe your eyes

with blues and purples of seduction raging our fieries

like this is all a dream.

Hold me tight, under the tender kisses of the sunset

peck-a-gentle of your affections into my heart

kiss me while i glee with sweetness

walk my silk-clad shirt off my rugged shoulders.

Hold me tight, under the passionate kisses of the sunset

hear me chuckle as I whisper words of the untold

scent me profoundly like you have never did before

taste me passionately as you do the same-

staring deep into my eyes.

Hold me tight, under the adoring kisses of the sunset

walk me down to the crescent reflective bay

I don't mind; with you it could be anywhere

where it is only you and I

making this dream a come-true.

Hold me tight, as the moon ushers its way

echo my name, scream for me

and let me hear you at every corners of my world

light me up like all those years ago.

Hold me tight, while the day is coming to its end

I whisper to you as you close your eyes

I give you my last living kiss as you bid me goodbye


This poem was composed to align sunset beauty with lasting love, a love nearing its end when the night ushers its way in, on June 18th, 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm a student from Temasek Polytechnic. Was looking for a photo of Pulau Ubin when I stumbled upon this. Wonder could I have the honour of using it for my project? (;
We are actually on a project to develop a resort in Ubin, just needed a picture for the advertisement.

do email me ur response at
